Starbucks Caffè Americano Recipe

Caffè Americano is an Italian interpretation of “American coffee” that swaps out milk with hot water for a simple espresso drink that has become a staple at our cafés. Learn how to make the Starbucks® classic at home, all it takes is two ingredients and a steady pour.

 2 ¾ cups hot water
 Starbucks® Espresso Roast (or 2 Starbucks® by Nespresso® Espresso Roast capsules)

Caffè Americano

Bring water to a boil and pour into your mug.


Prepare 2 shots of espresso.

We recommend brewing Starbucks® Espresso Roast via an espresso machine. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use a stovetop moka pot to make espresso-like coffee. To learn more, read our stovetop moka pot guide here.

You can also brew Starbucks® by Nespresso® Espresso Roast capsules for authentic café-style espresso.


Slowly pour your 2 shots of espresso into the water.